Parklands Medical (Bell Block Doctors & Medical Centre)

Bell Block

doctor and

nursing services.

Bell Block doctors and medical centre

Our Bell Block doctors and nurses can help you with all of your health care needs.
We provide modern, convenient and continuous care.













8:30AM to 5PM, Monday to Friday — (06) 755 0422

You can book our Bell Block doctor and nursing services online. Appointment times are available on our patient portal. Not registered on the portal? Please speak to reception staff.

All Right?

Whether the going’s good or times are tough, there are lots of little things we can do to strengthen our wellbeing and boost the way we feel.

Mental wellbeing is all about feeling good and functioning well – and just like our physical health, our mental health is something we can all look after and strengthen. Doing the things that keep us well can boost our mood and outlook, and help us build handy ‘buffers’ so if times do get tough, we’re able to adapt more quickly.


Creating and maintaining relationships is critical to boosting wellbeing – our relationships help us feel valued, loved and give purpose -all this makes us feel good!

Be active

Getting moving is not just good for our bodies, it makes a real difference to how we feel. It doesn’t always mean getting sweaty– things like walking the dog or dancing through the house work a treat!

Take notice

We’re often told to stop and smell the roses. When we take notice, we are giving ourselves space to become mindful, breathe and slow down. Notice a moment, and appreciate it with all your senses!

Keep learning

Learning helps keep our minds active – which helps our wellbeing. There’s heaps of opportunities to try new things and challenge our minds a little – take class in Te Reo or give a crossword a go?


Kindness can give our mood an instant boost. Everyone has something to give, whether it’s a compliment or lending a hand. Kind acts make us feel better and helps us build connections with others.

Embrace your culture

Understanding your own culture, or cultures, helps you to understand yourself, what makes you unique. We all have cultures and they can help us build a sense of identity and belonging in the world.

Keep the faith

Spirituality means different things to different people. However you feel about it, spending time in contemplation, gratitude and building meaningful lives can be powerfully sustaining.

Enjoy nature

Being in nature helps us feel good – it’s been shown to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, and the production of stress hormones. Getting outside, and enjoying green spaces, is a proven pick-me-up.

Get your flu shot to keep whānau safe

Flu is not a mild illness. It can keep you in bed for a week or more, preventing you from caring for others, going to work, doing sport, attending church or just about anything that requires leaving the house.

New Zealand’s 2024 flu vaccine will protect against four strains of flu virus — two influenza type A strains and two influenza type B strains:

+ A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1) pdm09-like virus
+ A/Thailand/8/2022 (H3N2)-like virus
+ B/Austria/1359417/2021-like virus
+ B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus

The strains in bold are new for 2024.

Throughout the year, the World Health Organization monitors the different flu strains around the world and each year decides which strains are likely to cause flu in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres. Flu vaccine manufacturers make each year’s vaccine by growing lots of these viruses, mostly in hens’ eggs. They then inactivate the virus and extract the bits that are needed to make the vaccine.

The vaccine:

+ Does not contain any live viruses and so cannot cause flu.
+ Does not contain any preservatives, thiomersal or mercury.
+ Contains only very tiny amounts of egg protein and is safe for people with egg allergies

Nurse Practitioner

Charmaine Wells

Lead Nurse






Lead Administrator & HCA


Administrator & HCA


Administrator & HCA


Appointment fees

Exceptional Bell Block doctor and nursing services. Affordable prices.

Enrolled Patients

0 — 13 Years


14 — 17 Years


18 — 64 Years


65+ Years


CSC Holders

0 — 13 Years


14 — 17 Years


18+ Years


All Patients

Nurse Consults


ACC Consults (Dr)



Influenza Vaccine



All Prescriptions


Find Us On Facebook

Parklands Medical is on Facebook. And we're sharing useful health information.

Health literacy is defined as "the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand, basic information health information and services needed to make informed and appropriate health decisions."

Alongside treatment, it's one of the most important aspects of the health care our practice provides. And we're now using Facebook to help patients obtain and process health information in a modern, convenient manner.

We’re using our timeline to share informative posts, health initiatives, urgent practice updates and useful recommendations.

Find Us on Facebook

Enrol online

Accessing our Bell Block doctor and nursing services is easy.
Simply complete our online enrolment form.

Enrol for reduced Bell Block doctor and nursing service fees | Bell Block Doctor & Medical Centre
Our online enrolment form takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Enrolling is free and voluntary. If you choose not to enrol you can still receive health care services from your chosen GP, general practice or primary health care services provider.
Advantages of enrolling are that your visits to the doctor will be cheaper and you will have direct access to a range of services linked to our PHO.

Need to see a Bell Block
doctor or nurse?

8:30AM to 5PM, Monday to Friday — (06) 755 0422

You can book our Bell Block doctor and nursing services online. Appointment times are available on our patient portal. Not registered on the portal? Please speak to reception staff.

Parklands Medical Centre will use different approaches and resources to achieve equitable outcomes for the people we serve.


188 Parklands Avenue,
Bell Block,
New Plymouth 4312


P: (06) 755 0422
F: (06) 920 3775


8:30AM — 5PM
Monday to Friday
EDI: blbkmcnp